Sunday 27 February 2011


obviously being a gamer myself Ive had alot of experience with Activision's games but not knowing they come from other development companies.
From what I've read it seems that Activision haven't made any of their own games only published them, so its seems from my point of view Activision are only in it for the business; getting credit for what other companies have accomplished or they have bought out the company because they have the money to do so and this also means they will get credit for the hard work of another company. On the other hand they development companies may like Activision to publish their games for them to maybe sell more copies or to get the development company more noticed because its got Activisions piece of typography on the games case, although most games with Activision printed on them are usually good and well sold games so probably a buyer may look at the game and think if its got their name on it then it has to be good.
   I can see two sides to this and I understand them because the games industry is huge in business but to be where Activision are now it must of took alot of work becoming as well known as they are.

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