Xbox was my favourite consoles before the xbox 360 came out because of 3 games that I was really into that were only released on xbox: Splinter Cell series on xbox, Doom 3 and halo.

Splinter cell displays alot of realism and the controls are so senitive, for example when you are sneaking you have to just push the left analoge stick very slightly so its like you have complete control over the protagonist so you feel like you are more inside the game; you feel like you are Sam Fisher (protagonist.)
Thats why I think I was drawn to it so much because it felt like you was in the game so much that you would get that adrenaline rush from you thinking that you are in that epic gun fight or sneaking behind a enemy and get that build up of gettin closer to silently taking them down.

Doom 3 does roughly the same, although it not being the most realistic game out there it still give me goosebumps each time I played it; this goes back to my history of overcoming resident evil but this time it was Doom 3.
very good game though, for its time it was even better but if it can still terrify me at some points in the game then id software have definately done their job well.

Lastly, when Halo came out my style of gaming changed, I tended to be the solo side of gaming but Halo had cooperative play on it; so this got me started with playing with other people. This was the starting point towards online play for me because Halo 2 came out which had online on it, so Halo was the reason why I got Xbox live.

Just some added feeling from myself, I do feel like the very first Halo was the best out of all the other Halo games; better as play and as a game.
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