Monday, 25 October 2010

Playstation 2 and Playstation 2 inspired games

2001 at christmas I got my first Playstation 2, it was quite amazing because it was a surprise so I wasn't expecting it at all.

The first game I got was a wrestling game which I didn't particularly like but I had to make the most of it at the time.

My second game was Max Payne, this was another game that for some reason i couldn't stop playing because it was so unique at its time.
It was the first game Id ever played at the time that went really in depth with bullet time mechanics, although with Max Payne bullet time encompasses the game itself; its a big part of the gameplay. So instead of bullet time being just a mechanic in gameplay I believe myself to think that its more of a experience because instead of just deciding to use it every now and then, u have to use it the majority of the time in a strategic manor to survive because if you run in guns blazing without bullet time there's a high chance you will get shot and get critically hurt or die, so if you enter a room with bullet time switched on the likely side moves to survival because the bullet time gives you the extra time to quickly count the number of enemies in the area and also set you up for a bullet time dive which helps you dodge bullets from the angle you are at in mid-air but also then gives you the time to set up your aim to shoot more accurately.
As you can see from this bullet time becomes more of a core element to the game and you experience it to a intense level because without it you wont survive.

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