Japan's first tape recorders. this product had tape speed of 19cm per second. With Sony's exclusive small-hub reel, the machine accepted tapes in reel diameters of up to 10 inches. Units were delivered to the supreme court and various other government agencies, earning its nickname *Type- G* for government use only. A year later the Type-H was developed, which was for home use and also was a lot lighter than the Type-G.
TV8-301 (1960)
World's first direct-view portable transistor TV. This model was developed based on Sony's extensive knowledge in radio technology. In a time when TVs were thought to be a living room asset only but this piece of technology moved the invention of television to the next level.
TV5-303 (1962)
Made to bring television to the automobile environment and was the worlds smallest and lightest monochrome TV, this was mainly known from its nickname *micro TV.*
(famous slogan: Transistors have changed TV)
PV-100 (1963)
professional use transistor-based videotape recorder, using a 1.5 head system leaded to it being lighter than the first design. First design weighed 200kg, the PV-100 weighed 60kg (big improvement)
KV-1310 (1968)
The first in Sony's exclusive line of Trinitron colour TVs. This model gave about twice the brightness of televisions using conventional shadow mask tubes. This was a milestone product showing Sony's expertise in colour TVs
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